Asserting exceptions
public class Customer
/// <summary>
/// The method returns an ArgumentException if there is an error if not
/// it returns 100
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetOrdersByName(string name)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
throw new ArgumentException("Error");
return 100;
public string Name => "Hugh";
public int Age => 32;
public class CustomerTest
public void CheckNameNoEmpty()
var customer = new Customer();
public void CheckLegitForDiscount()
var customer = new Customer();
Assert.InRange(customer.Age, 25, 40);
public void GetOrdersByNameNoNull()
var customer = new Customer();
var exeptionDetails = Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => customer.GetOrdersByName(null));
Assert.Equal("Error", exeptionDetails.Message);
Asserting collections
public List<int> Fibbonacci => new List<int> { 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 };
/// <summary>
/// It should returns true because we don't have any 0 value in the
/// List of numbers
/// </summary>
public void FiboDoesNotIncludeZero()
var calc = new Calculator();
Assert.All(calc.FiboNumbers, n => Assert.NotEqual(0, n));
method verifies that all items in the collection pass when executed against action.
public void FiboIncludes13()
var calc = new Calculator();
Assert.Contains(13, calc.FiboNumbers);
method verifies that a collection contains a given object.
public void FiboDoesNotIncludes4()
var calc = new Calculator();
Assert.DoesNotContain(4, calc.FiboNumbers);
method verifies that a collection does not contain a given object.
public static class CustomerFactory
public static Customer CreateCustomerInstance(int orderCount)
if (orderCount <= 100)
return new Customer();
return new LoyalCustomer();
is a method that verifies that an object is exactly the given type (and not a derived type)
/// <summary>
/// IsType is a method that verifies that an object is exactly the given type (and not a derived type)
/// Returns: The object, casted to type T when successful.
/// </summary>
public void LoyalCustomerForOrdersG100()
var customer = CustomerFactory.CreateCustomerInstance(102);
Asserting object types, customer.cs
public class LoyalCustomer: Customer
public int Discount { get; set; }
public LoyalCustomer()
Discount = 10;
public override int GetOrdersByName(string name)
return 101;
public static class CustomerFactory
public static Customer CreateCustomerInstance(int orderCount)
if (orderCount <= 100)
return new Customer();
return new LoyalCustomer();
/// <summary>
/// IsType is a method that verifies that an object is exactly the given type (and not a derived type)
/// Returns: The object, casted to type T when successful.
/// </summary>
public void LoyalCustomerForOrdersG100()
var customer = CustomerFactory.CreateCustomerInstance(102);
var loyalCustomer = Assert.IsType<LoyalCustomer>(customer);
Assert.Equal(10, loyalCustomer.Discount);
public void LoyalCustomerForOrdersG100Fail()
var customer = CustomerFactory.CreateCustomerInstance(90);
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