Ultimate C# Interview questions

1. What is a class?

A class is a template to create an object. It contains properties as well as methods. We can create many instances of objects from a single class.

Below is an example of a class.

public class Student
   //data members
   public int rollNumber { get; set; }
   public string fullName { get; set; }
   public void PrintDetails()
      //code of method

2. What are the main concepts of object-oriented programming?

Encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism, and inheritance are the main concepts of object-oriented programming.

3. Explain Encapsulation

Encapsulation is a process of wrapping function and data members together in a class. It is like a capsule, a single unit.

Encapsulation is to prevent the unauthorized or unwanted change of data from outside of the function.

Below is an example of encapsulation.

class User
    string address;
    private string name;
    public string Address
            return address;
            address = value;
    public string Name
            return name;
            name = value;
class MyProgram
    static void Main(string[] args)
        User u = new User();
        // set accessor will invoke   
        u.Name = "Denis";
        // set accessor will invoke             
        u.Address = "Germany";
        // get accessor will invoke             
        Console.WriteLine("Name: " + u.Name);
        // get accessor will invoke             
        Console.WriteLine("Location: " + u.Address);
        Console.WriteLine("\nPress Enter Key");

4. What is abstraction?

Abstraction is the method of exposing only the required features of the class and hiding unnecessary information.

Let us try to understand it with the example of a motorbike

  • A rider knows the color, name, and model of the bike. Still, he does not know the internal engine and exhaust functionality.

So abstraction focuses on providing access to do a specific functionality without exposing how that functionality works internally.


// C# program to show the
// working of abstract class
using System;

// abstract class 'GeeksForGeeks'
public abstract class GeeksForGeeks {

	// abstract method 'gfg()'
	public abstract void gfg();

// class 'GeeksForGeeks' inherit
// in child class 'Geek1'
public class Geek1 : GeeksForGeeks

	// abstract method 'gfg()'
	// declare here with
	// 'override' keyword
	public override void gfg()
		Console.WriteLine("class Geek1");

// class 'GeeksForGeeks' inherit in
// another child class 'Geek2'
public class Geek2 : GeeksForGeeks

	// same as the previous class
	public override void gfg()
		Console.WriteLine("class Geek2");

// Driver Class
public class main_method {

	// Main Method
	public static void Main()

		// 'g' is object of class
		// 'GeeksForGeeks' class '
		// GeeksForGeeks' cannot
		// be instantiate
		GeeksForGeeks g;

		// instantiate class 'Geek1'
		g = new Geek1();
		// call 'gfg()' of class 'Geek1'
		// instantiate class 'Geek2'
		g = new Geek2();
		// call 'gfg()' of class 'Geek2'

5. What is polymorphism?

Polymorphism means the same method but different implementation.

There are two types of polymorphism.

Compile-time polymorphism – achieved by method overloading

Refer to the below example:

public class cellphone
    //function with the same name but different parameters.
    public void Typing()
        Console.WriteLine("Using keypad");
    public void Typing(bool isSmartPhone)
        Console.WriteLine("Using qwerty keyboard");

public class cellphone
    //function with the same name but different parameters.
    public void Typing()
        Console.WriteLine("Using keypad");
    public void Typing(bool isSmartPhone)
        Console.WriteLine("Using qwerty keyboard");

Run time polymorphism – achieved by method overriding

Refer to the below example:

public class CellPhone 
    public virtual void Typing() 
        Console.WriteLine("Using keypad"); 
public class SmartPhone : CellPhone
    //method override         
    public override void Typing()         
        Console.WriteLine("Typing function from child class");         

6. What is Inheritance in C#?

When we create a class that can inherit the data members and the methods of another class (Parent class), it is called inheritance.

The class which inherits the properties and method is called child class, derived class or subclass.

A class from which the child class inherits its properties and methods is a parent class or base class.

Refer to the below example.

using System;

public class A
   private int value = 1337;
   public class B : A
       public int GetValue()
           return this.value;
public class InheritanceExample
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var b = new A.B();

Output will be 1337, even though Class B doesn’t directly have any value.

7. What is an object?

An object is an instance of a class through which we access the functions of that class. We can use the “new” keyword to create an object. A class that creates an object in memory holds information about the functions, data members, and behavior of that class.

Refer below for the syntax of an object.

public class Employee
    //private members
    private string fName { get; set; }
    private string lName { get; set; }

    //  Method (function in a class)
    public void Display()
        Console.WriteLine("Full name is {0} {1}", fName, lName);
    public void SetName(string firstName, string lastName)
        fName = firstName;
        lName = lastName;
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        //this is object
        Employee employee = new Employee();
        employee.SetName("John", "Grande");

8. What is a constructor, and what are its different types?

A constructor is like a method with the same name as the class, but it is a unique method. Even if it is not created, the compiler creates a default constructor in memory at the time of creating an object of the class.

  • The constructor is used to initialize the object with some default values.

  • Default constructor, parameterized constructor, copy constructor, static constructor, private constructor are different constructor types.

Refer to the below sample for different constructor types.

public class Student
    private int rollNumber { get; set; }
    private string fullName { get; set; }         
    //default constructor          
    public Student()          
    {             //code goes here          
    //parameterized constructor          
    public Student(int rNum, string fName)          
        this.rollNumber = rNum;              
        this.fullName = fName;          
    //static constructor          
    static Student()          
    {              //code goes here          
    //copy constructor          
    public Student(Student student)          
        rollNumber = student.rollNumber;              
        fullName = student.fullName;          

9. What is a destructor in C#?

The Destructor clears out the memory to free up resources. It is managed automatically by the garbage collector. System.GC.collect() is called internally for this purpose. However, if required, it can be done explicitly using a destructor.

Refer to the below example.

public class Purchase
    //Syntax to write a destructor.         
    //code here to release resources.

10. Is C# code managed or unmanaged code?

C# is managed code because Common language runtime compiles the code to Intermediate language.

11. What are value types and reference types?

We can categorize variables into value type and reference type.

Variables of value type contain the value directly while the variable of a reference type contains the reference of the memory address where the value is stored actually in the memory.

For example bool, byte, int, char, and decimal are value type

And String, class, delegates are examples of reference types.

Below is the pictorial representation of the value type.

Below is the pictorial representation of the reference type.

12. What are namespaces, and is that compulsory?

A namespace is a way of organizing classes of the same group or functionality under the same name. We can call it a module. Although it is not compulsory to put class in a namespace.

Refer to the syntax below.

namespace demoapp
    class SomeClass
        public static void someMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("Creating my namespace");

13. Explain types of comments in c# with examples.

There are three types of comments in c#.

  • Single line comments

  • Multiline comments

  • XML comments

Example of a single-line comment

// Hey, this is a single line comment

Example of a multi-line comment

/* This is a multiline comment
written in two lines
2 */

Example of an XML comment

/// Summary
/// Here you can write anything
/// summary

14. What is an interface? Give an example.

An interface is another form of an abstract class that has only abstract public methods, and these methods only have the declaration and not the definition. A class implementing the interface must have the implementation of all the methods of the interface.

For Example:

interface IPencil
     void Write(string text);
     void Sharpen(string text);

class Pencil : IPencil
     public void Write(string text)
         //some code here

     public void Sharpen(string text)
          //some code here

15. How to implement multiple interfaces with the same method name in the same class?

If we want to implement multiple interfaces with the same method name, then we cannot directly implement the body of the function. We have to explicitly provide the name of the interface to implement the body of the method. In this way, the compiler decides which interface methods we are referring to, and this resolves the issue.

Let us see the below example.

interface myInterface1
     void Print();
  interface myInterface2
     void Print();
class Student : myInterface1, myInterface2
    void myInterface1.Print()
        Console.WriteLine("For myInterface1 !!");
    void myInterface2.Print()
        Console.WriteLine("For myInterface2 !!");

16. What is the virtual method, and how is it different from the abstract method?

A virtual method must have a default implementation, and We can override this virtual method using the override keyword in the derived class.

The abstract method is without implementation, and it is created inside the abstract class only. In the case of an abstract class, the class derived from the abstract class must have an implementation of that abstract method.

Example of a virtual method.

public class CellPhone
    public virtual void Typing()
        Console.WriteLine("Using old keypad");

public class SmartPhone : CellPhone
    public override void Typing()
        Console.WriteLine("Using qwerty keyboard");

Example of an abstract method.

public abstract class CellPhones
    // no default implementation
    public abstract void Typing();

public class OldPhones : CellPhones
    // function override
    public override void Typing()
        Console.WriteLine("Using keypad");

public class SmartPhones : CellPhones
    // function override
    public override void Typing()
        Console.WriteLine("Using Qwerty keyboard");

17. What are method overloading and method overriding?

Method overloading is when we have a function with the same name but a different signature.

Method overriding is when we override the virtual method of a base class in the child class using the override keyword.

Both, method overloading and overriding are a type of polymorphism.

18. What is the static keyword?

We use the “static” keyword to create a static class, a static method, or static properties.

When we create a static class, then there can be only static data members and static methods in that class.

Static means that we cannot create the instance of that class. That class can be used directly like ClassName.methodName.

When there is a need for special functions, which are typical for all the instances of other classes, then we use static class.

For example, there is a requirement to load some default application-level values. We create a static class with static functions. That class is then accessible to all other classes without creating any instance. It also shares the same data with all the classes.

Refer to the below example.

public static class Setting
    public static int fetchDefault()
        int maxAmount = 0;
        //code to fetch and set the value from config or some file.
        return maxAmount;

public class Sales
    //not required to create an instance.
    int maxAmount = Setting.fetchDefault();

19. Can we use “this” with the static class?

No, we cannot use “this” with the static class because we can only use static variables and static methods in the static class.

20. What is the difference between constants and read-only?

Constant variables have to be assigned a value at the time of declaration only, and we cannot change the value of that variable throughout the program.

We can assign the value to the read-only variable at the time of declaration or in a constructor of the same class.

Here is an example of constants.

using System;
namespace demoapp
    class DemoClass
        // Constant fields 
        public const int myvar = 101;
        public const string str = "staticstring";
        // Main method 
        static public void Main()
            // Display the value of Constant fields 
            Console.WriteLine("The value of myvar: {0}", myvar);
            Console.WriteLine("The value of str: {0}", str);

Here is an example of read-only.

using System;
namespace demoapp
    class MyClass
        // readonly variables 
        public readonly int myvar1;
        public readonly int myvar2;
        // Values of the readonly 
        // variables are assigned 
        // Using constructor 
        public MyClass(int b, int c)
            myvar1 = b;
            myvar2 = c;
            Console.WriteLine("Display value of myvar1 {0}, " +
             "and myvar2 {1}", myvar1, myvar2);
        // Main method 
        static public void Main()
            MyClass obj1 = new MyClass(100, 200);

21. What is the difference between string and string builder in C#?

A string is an immutable object. When we have to do some actions to change a string or append a new string, it clears out the old value of the string object, and it creates a new instance in memory to hold the new value in a string object. It uses System. String class, for example.

using System;
namespace demoapp
    class StringClass
        public static void Main(String[] args) {
            string val = "Hello";
            //creates a new instance of the string 
            val += "World";

using System;
namespace demoapp
    class StringClass
        public static void Main(String[] args) {
            string val = "Hello";
            //creates a new instance of the string 
            val += "World";

StringBuilder is a mutable object. It means that it creates a new instance every time for the operations like adding string (append), replace string (replace). It uses the old object only for any of the operations done to the string and thus increases the performance. It uses System.Text.StringBuilder class, for example.

using System;
using System.Text;
namespace demoapp
    class StringClass
        public static void Main(String[] args) {
            StringBuilder val = new StringBuilder("Hello");

The output of both the program is the same, “Hello World.”

22. Explain the “continue” and “break” statement.

We can use continue and break statements in a loop in c#. Using a break statement, we can break the loop execution, while using the continue statement, we can break one iteration of the loop.

An example of the break statement.

using System;
namespace demoapp
    class LoopingStatements
        public static void Main(String[] args)
            for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                if (i == 4)
                    break; //this will break the loop
                Console.WriteLine("The number is " + i);
            }  //control will jump here after the break statement.

Here is the same example with a continue statement.

namespace demoapp
    class LoopingStatements
        public static void Main(String[] args)
            for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                if (i == 4)
                    continue;// it will skip the single iteration
                Console.WriteLine("The number is " + i);

23. What are boxing and unboxing?

Conversion of value type datatype to reference type (object) datatype is called boxing.

namespace demoapp
    class Conversion
        public void DoSomething()
            int i = 10;
            object o = i;

Unboxing is the conversion of reference type datatype to value type.

For Example:

namespace demoapp
    class Conversion
        public void DoSomething()
            object o = 222;
            int i = (int)o;

24. What is a sealed class?

We use a “sealed” keyword to create a sealed class. Classes are created as a sealed class when there is no need to inherit that further or when there is a need to restrict that class from being inherited.

Refer to the syntax below.

public sealed class MyClass
   //properties and methods

25. What is a partial class?

There is a feature in the c# language to divide a single class file into multiple physical files. To achieve this, we have to use the “partial” keyword. At compile time, it is logically one file only. So we cannot have a method with the same name or a variable with the same name in two different partial class files.

Here, to facilitate the developers to break down the big class files into multiple small physical files, this feature is provided.

26. What is enum?

In c# the “enum” keyword is used to declare an enumeration. An enum is a value type. It is a collection of related named constants referred to as an enumerator list.

An enum type can be any of these (int, float, double, and byte). However, to use it beside int, explicitly casting is required.

To create a numeric constant in the .NET framework enum is used. All the members of the enum are of enum type, and there must be a numeric value for each enum type.

Int is the default type of the enumeration element. By default, the first enumerator has the value 0. The value of each successive enumerator is then increased by 1.

Refer to the below syntax:

enum Day { Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri };

27. What is dependency injection, and how can it be achieved?

Dependency injection is a design pattern. Here, instead of creating an object of a class in another class (dependent class) directly, we are passing the object as an argument in the constructor of the dependent class. It helps to write loosely coupled code and helps to make the code more modular and easy to test.

There are 3 ways to achieve dependency injection.

  • Constructor Injection: This is the most commonly used Injection type. In constructor injection, we can pass the dependency into the constructor. We have to make sure that we do not have a default constructor here, and the only one should be a parameterized constructor.

  • Property Injection: There are cases when we need the default constructor of a class, so in that case, we can use property injection.

  • Method Injection: In method injection, we need to pass the dependency in the method only. When the entire class does not require that dependency, there is no need to implement constructor injection. When we have a dependency on multiple objects, then instead of passing that dependency in the constructor, we pass that dependency in the function itself where it is required.

28. The “using” statement.

The keyword “using” is used to define the scope of the resources used in that using statement block. All the resources used inside the using code block get disposed of once the code block completes execution.

Refer to the below example.

class Books : IDisposable
        private string _name { get; set; }
        private decimal _price { get; set; }
        public Books(string name, decimal price)
        _name = name;
        _price = price;
        public void Print()
        Console.WriteLine("Book name is {0} and price is {1}", _name, _price);
        public void Dispose()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

class Students {
    public void DoSomething() {
        using(Books myBook = new Books("book name", 12.45))

29. What are the access modifiers? Explain each type.

Access modifiers are keywords used to provide accessibility to a class, member, or a function.

Below are its types

  • Public: Can be accessed anywhere without any restriction

  • Protected: Access is limited up to the class, which inherits this class.

  • Internal: Can be accessed only within the current assembly.

  • Private: Cannot be accessed outside.

Syntax of access modifier

public class Product
        public void Print()
            //code to print something.

30. What are delegates?

Delegates are like function pointers. It is a reference data type that holds the reference of a method. We use delegates to write generic type-safe functions. All delegates derive from System. Delegate.

A delegate can be declared using the delegate keyword followed by a function signature, as shown below.

The Following are the characteristics of delegates.

  • Delegates derive from the System. Delegate class.

  • Delegates have a signature as well as return type. A function assigned to delegates must be fit with this signature.

  • Delegates can point to instance methods or static.

  • Delegate objects, once created, can dynamically invoke the methods it points to at runtime.

  • Delegates can call methods synchronously and asynchronously.

Refer to below example

using System;
namespace demoapp {
    class DelegateClass {
        // declare delegate
        public delegate void Print(int value);
        static void Main(string[] args)
        // Print delegate points to PrintNumber
        Print printDel = PrintNumber;
        // or
        // Print printDel = new Print(PrintNumber);
        // Print delegate points to PrintMoney
        printDel = PrintMoney;
        public static void PrintNumber(int num)
        Console.WriteLine("Number: {0,-12:N0}", num);
        public static void PrintMoney(int money)
        Console.WriteLine("Money: {0:C}", money);

31. What are the different types of delegates?

There are three types of delegates.

  • Single Delegate: Single Delegate can invoke a single method.

  • Multicast Delegate: Multicast delegates can invoke multiple methods. The delegate method can do multicasting. We can add a method in the delegate instance using + operator, and we can remove a method using – operator. All the methods are invoked in sequence as they are assigned.

  • Generic Delegate: .Net Framework 3.5 Introduces Generic delegates. There is no need to create an instance in a generic delegate.

Print printNumDel = PrintNumber;
Print printMonDel = PrintMoney;
// MultiCast Delegate
Print multiPrintDel = printNumDel + printMonDel;
multiPrintDel = printNumDel - printMonDel;

32. What is an array? Explain Single and multi-dimensional arrays.

The array stores the value of the same type. It is a collection of variable stores into a memory location.

For example

int[] marks = new int[3] { 25, 34, 89 };

A single-dimensional array is a linear array. Single-dimensional array stores variables in a single row. The above example is a single-dimensional Array.

Arrays can have more than one dimension. Multi-dimensional arrays are also called rectangular Arrays.

For example

int[,] numbers = new int[3, 2] { { 1, 2 }, { 2, 3 }, { 3, 4 } };

33. What is the difference between the System.Array.CopyTo() and System.Array.Clone() ?

Using the Clone() method, we can create a new array object containing all the elements of the original array and using the CopyTo() method. All the items of existing array copies into another existing array. Both ways create a shallow copy.

int[] marks = new int[3] { 25, 34, 89 };
int[] marksCopy;
int[] marksClone = (int[])marks.Clone();

34. What is the difference between array and arraylist?

When we want to store the items of the same type, then the array is used. The array has a fixed size but not in the case of an arraylist. We can store any type of data type in an array list.

Refer to the example of an array and array list.

using System.Collections;
namespace demoapp
    class Sample
        //Array and Araraylist.
        public void ArrayFunction()
            string[] country = new string[3];
            country[0] = "USA"; //only string value can be added
            country[1] = "Denmark";
            country[2] = "Russia";
            //can store different data types
            ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList();

35. What is a jagged array in C#?

A jagged array is like a nested array; each element of a jagged array is an array in itself. The item of a jagged array can be of different dimensions and sizes.

A jagged array is a special type of array introduced in c#. A Jagged array is an array of an array in which the length of each array index can differ.

Refer to the below example.

namespace demoapp
    public class JaggedArrayClass
        public void ShowJaggedArray()
            int[][] jaddedArray = new int[2][];
            jaddedArray[0] = new int[3] { 1, 2, 3 };
            jaddedArray[1] = new int[4] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

36. What is the difference between struct and class?

Class and struct are both user-defined but have a significant difference.


  • A Struct inherits from System. Value type and so it is a value type.

  • It is preferred to use struct when there is a small amount of data.

  • A structure cannot be abstract.

  • There is no need to create an object with a new keyword.

  • Struct does not have permission to create any default constructor.

Syntax of struct:

struct MyStruct
    public int MyProperty1 { get; set; }
    public int MyProperty2 { get; set; }


  • The class is a reference type in c#, and it inherits from the System. Object Type.

  • When there is a large amount of data, then in that scenario, classes are used.

  • We can inherit one class from another class.

  • A class can be an abstract type.

37. What is the difference between throw and throw ex?

Throw” statement holds the original error stack of the previous function or function hierarchy. In contrast, “Throw ex” has the stack trace from the throw point. So it is always advised to use “Throw” because it provides exact error information related to the function and gives you actual trace data of error source.

38. Explain the difference between finally and finalize block?

Finally, it is a code block part of execution handling this code block executes irrespective of whether the exception occurs or not.

While the finalize method is called just before garbage collection. The compiler calls this method automatically when not called explicitly in code.

39. Explain var and dynamic.

We can declare the var type of a variable without specifying the .net data types explicitly. The compiler automatically detects the type of a variable at the compile-time based on the value assigned to it. We cannot declare a var type variable without assigning a value to it. The value of the var type variable cannot be changed later in the code.

Dynamic is the opposite of var. We can change the value of a variable of type dynamic in the code later. It also decides the type of the variable based on the value assigned to it.

Like at the time of creating a variable of type dynamic, a value of Integer type is assigned to it, then also in the code further, we can assign a string type value to that variable. It holds the last changed value and acts like the data type of the latest values it holds.

Let us see the example to understand it in more detail.

public class Bike
    dynamic someValue = 21;
    public Bike()
        //assigned string value later
        someValue = "Hello";

In the above example, if we declare the variable “someValue ” to type var instead of dynamic, it throws an error. The reason for that error is that in the next line, we changed the value of the variable and assigned a string value.

40. What are Anonymous types in C#?

Anonymous types allow us to create new types without defining them.

When there is a need to define read-only properties in a single object without defining each type. In that case, we use anonymous types. Here, a compiler generates type and is accessible only for the current block of code.

Refer to the below example.

public class SomeClass {
    public void print() {
        var anonymousData = new
                FirstName = "John",
                SurName = "lastname"
        Console.WriteLine("First Name : " + anonymousData.FirstName);

41. What is multithreading, and what are its different states?

Any code block in c# runs in a process called a thread, and it is the execution path of the program. Usually, an application runs in a single thread. But multithreading helps to run the application in multiple threads. Using multithreading, we can divide the execution of our process among different threads to execute it simultaneously.

In multithreading, we can create multiple threads and assign particular tasks or put a code block to get executed. In this way, we can run more than one task at a time. This code block executes simultaneously and can save time, and in this way, we can make programs more efficient and fast.

Thread has its lifecycle, which includes various states of thread.









The thread has been started and not yet stopped.



The thread has stopped.



The thread is being requested to stop. This is for internal use only.



The thread has been suspended.



The thread is being requested to suspend.





Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.threading.threadstate?redirectedfrom=MSDN&view=netcore-3.1

42. How is exception handling done in C#?

Try, catch, finally, and throw. These are the keywords used to handle the exception.

Below is the explanation of each keyword.

  • Try: We keep the code in the try block for which we want to handle the exception.

  • Catch: When any exception occurs in a try block, then it is caught in a catch block with the help of an exception handler.

  • Finally: To execute a code block irrespective of error, we place that code in the finally block to get executed.

  • Throw: Throws an exception when an issue occurs.

Below is the example of exception handling.

public class SomeClass {
    public void GetData() {
        try {
            //write some code here
        catch (Exception) {
        finally {
            /*code to execute in the last
            like dispose objects and resource*/

43. What are the custom exceptions?

Sometimes some errors need to be caught as per user requirements. Custom exceptions are used for them and are user-defined exceptions.

Refer to the below example.

public class Purchase
     public void DoPurchase(int quantity)
         if (quantity == 0)
             //this will throw error here with the custom message
             throw new Exception("Quantity cannot be zero");

44. What is LINQ in C#?

Language integrated query is the full form of LINQ. It is a method of querying data using the .net capabilities and c# syntax similar to SQL query.

The advantage of LINQ is that we can query different sources of data. The data source could be either collection of objects, XML files, JSON files, In-memory data or lists or, database objects. We can easily retrieve data from any object that implements the IEnumerable<T> interface.

Below is the syntax of LINQ.

public class Devices {
    public void GetData() {
        List < string > mobiles = new List<string>() {
            "Iphone", "Samsung", "Nokia", "MI"
        //linq syntax
        var result = from s in mobiles
        where s.Contains("Nokia")
        select s;

45. What is serialization?

When we want to send an object through a network, then we have to convert that object into a stream of bytes. Serialization is a process of converting an object into a stream of bytes. To facilitate the object for serializable, it should implement ISerialize Interface. The process of De-serialization is the reverse process of creating an object from a stream of bytes.

46. What are generics in c#?

Generics increase performance, increase type safety, reduce repeated code, and makes reusable code. Using generics, we can create collection classes. It is preferred to use System.Collections.Generic namespace instead of classes such as ArrayList in the System.Collections namespace to create a generic collection.

Generics encourages the usage of parameterized types. Refer to the example below.

using System;

namespace demoapp {
    //We use < > to specify Parameter type 
    public class GFG<T>
        //private data members 
        private T data;
        //using properties 
        public T value
        /using accessors 
            return this.data;
            this.data = value;
//vehicle class 
class Vehicle {
    //Main method 
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        //instance of string type 
        GFG < string > company = new GFG<string>();
        company.value = "Tata motors";
        //instance of float type 
        GFG < float > version = new GFG<float>();
        version.value = 6.0F;
        //display Tata motors 
        //display 6 

47. What is reflection?

Reflection is when managed code can read its own metadata to find assemblies.

“Reflection provides objects (of type Type) that describe assemblies, modules, and types. You can use reflection to dynamically create an instance of a type, bind the type to an existing object, or get the type from an existing object and invoke its methods or access its fields and properties. If you are using attributes in your code, reflection enables you to access them. For more information, see Attributes.”

Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/concepts/reflection

The following information can be retrieved using reflection.

  • Assembly name

  • Class name

  • Method name

  • Object type

  • It Identifies properties and methods.

48. How to use nullable types?

In c#, we can also assign a null value to the variable. Such types are called nullable types.

Example below:

namespace demoapp
    class Calculate
        int? number = null;
        public Calculate(int num)
            number = num;
        public void DoCalculation()
            if (number.HasValue)
               //do something

49. Which is the parent class of all classes which we create in C#?


50. Explain code compilation in C#.

Below are the steps explaining the code compilation.

  • The C# compiler compiles the code into managed code, also called Byte code.

  • Then JIT (Just in time compiler) compiles the Byte code into Native or machine language, which is directly executed

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