SonarQube installation and tutorial for .net core projects

Once we have installed SonarQube we should need to go firstly to open a new cmd window and paste the route where your SonarQube is:


We can copy = C:\sonarqube- and once we open the cmd we can paste it

Then we need to go to: C:\sonarqube-\bin\windows-x86-64 and click on StartSonar.bat to initialize.

Then we can navigate to http://localhost:9000/

Then we need to add a new project and generate a new token key: Example: 68f7ebb9ef2e20b25776accbeeecc67af0b62b33

Then you should actually see something similar to:

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner
dotnet sonarscanner begin /k:"HeyBaldur.APIV1" /"http://localhost:9000"  /d:sonar.login="68f7ebb9ef2e20b25776accbeeecc67af0b62b33"
dotnet build
dotnet sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login="68f7ebb9ef2e20b25776accbeeecc67af0b62b33"

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