
pipe() function

The pipe function allows us to use multiple operators. The pipe function is the assembly line from your observable data source through your operators. Just like raw material in a factory goes through a series of steps before it becomes a finished product, source data can pass through a pipe-line of operators where you can manipulate, filter, and transform the data to fit your use case. It's not uncommon to use 5 (or more) operators within an observable chain, contained within the pipe function.

   * Add a new experience
   * @param formValue 
  public addExperience(formValue: EmployeeExperiences): void {
    this.employeeExperienceService.save(formValue, 'Experience')
        catchError(err => {
          this.isError = true;
          this.outputMessage = `Error:${err.status}. It seems something went wrong, please try later or your items are up to date.`;
          return throwError(err);
      .subscribe(res => {
        this.isSaved = true;
        this.outputMessage = `Great job! Your information has been saved correctly`;
        this.emptyArray = false;

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