In the following code, we will cover the DoneFn interface, flush and tick methods to manage async operations and events.
import { fakeAsync, flush, tick } from"@angular/core/testing";fdescribe('Async testing examples', () => {it('Async test example with Jasmine done', (done:DoneFn) => {let test =false;setTimeout(() => { test =true;expect(test).toBeTruthy();done(); },1000); });it('Async test example - setTimeout()',fakeAsync(() => {let test =false;console.log('Running the assertions');setTimeout(() => { test =true;console.log('Running the assertions inside setTimeout()');expect(test).toBeTruthy(); },1000);tick(1000); }));it('Async test example - setTimeout() with flush()',fakeAsync(() => {let test =false;setTimeout(() => {});setTimeout(() => { test =true;expect(test).toBeTruthy(); },1000);flush(); }));});